Tax and insurance bills! Drained out with all the financial needs to build the buildings and monthly operation costs. In Dec 2011, the feeding of the homeless survivors of super typhoon Bopha, a category 5 storm, (local name Pablo) was heavy in Merrian’s heart while at the same time she was battling anxiety. Floods and landslide wiped out the whole community. The people are devastated. Together with a Pastor Roy, they worked together to deliver food to Compostella Valley, Davao, local church of Pastor Ricky.
Partnering with two local pastors and fed 250 people with 21 meals each in Compostela Valley and 150 people in Cagayan de Oro. When they received the food they clapped their hands and cried out in thanksgiving. These 250 people shared their food in the neighborhood in Davao that resulted the church expansion of two more churches.