In addition to providing education for the young, Agape ministry supports the financial commitments of teenagers who aspire to academic excellence. The following testimonies come from students, Jehdaiah and Jephuneh, studying for their undergraduate degrees.
Through Agape Ministry, both Jehdaiah and Jephuneh’s dreams to study at college levels were fulfilled. From the outpouring of their hearts, they participate actively in Agape’s youth outreach; modeling good learning attitudes and godly character traits--gratitude, humility diligence and perseverance--in their life choices. They inspire their peers to seek after God and His purpose.
Greetings in the name of the our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! I am Jehdaiah Jane Nemeño, and I'm studying Bachelor of Science: Biology. Being a biology student has never been easy because I really need to research and read books. I thank God that I become a scholar of Agape Ministry. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Agape Ministry, especially to Ma'am Merrian and Sir Patrick Raths, for your financial support in my studies. It is really a great blessing, especially in doing research, since we don't have a stable internet connection at home, and sometimes I cannot afford to buy books because they're too expensive. Thank you so much! I hope and pray that God will bless this ministry so that it will continue to be a blessing to other students like myself.
First of all I would like to thank everybody in the Agape Ministry, especially to Ma'am Merrian, Sir Patrick and Pastor Johnny, who helped me become a scholar. I am so blessed to be one of your scholars because it really helped me ease my financial needs in school like books, projects etc. It also helped me to pay for my boarding house every month. This ministry is really a blessing to students like me whose thoughts of having a degree is impossible to reach because of the lack of money. I should say that God is really great that He used such passionate people to run this ministry for the needy. This year will be my last year in college, and I thank God for using this ministry from my first year to present. Thank you very much Agape team I hope and pray that God will bless this ministry even more.